Tag Archives: #xxivvii

Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) with Jimmy Ellis training inside Bruner’s Headline Boxing Gym, Louisville Kentucky

April 15 1961 –Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) with Jimmy Ellis training inside Bruner’s Headline Boxing [...]

Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) training inside Bruner’s Headline Gym, Louisville Kentucky. ?

Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) training inside Bruner’s Headline Gym, Louisville Kentucky. ?

Bud Bruner Founder of Bruner’s Headline Boxing Gym

Sometimes the coach is more impressive than the student!!   Bud Bruner (December 7, 1907 [...]

Cassius Clay & Angelo Dundee 1961 ?

Cassius Clay & Angelo Dundee 1961 ? You have to have a plan!! You have [...]

Inside 5th Street Gym (1960’s)

It’s not where you are start but where you finish that counts!! This was Cassius [...]

5th Street Gym

Your gym might be closed so get inspired by gyms of the past!!   5th [...]


Cassius Clay’s first meeting with Angelo Dundee (boxing trainer)

1958 was Cassius Clay’s (Muhammad Ali) first meeting with Angelo Dundee. It was suppose to [...]

Grace Community Center Gym, Louisville Kentucky

Grace Community Center Gym Some gyms inspire from a distance. Some transcend the tides of [...]


Columbia Gym, Louisville Kentucky

Muhammad Ali: The Columbia Gym Today Today, Spalding University’s athletic departments stands where Columbia Gym [...]


Muhammad Ali with Joe Martin (his first boxing coach)

Muhammad Ali listening attentively to Joe Martin. Six weeks after that fateful day, having lost [...]