Tag Archives: louisville

Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) training inside Bruner’s Headline Gym, Louisville Kentucky. ?

Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) training inside Bruner’s Headline Gym, Louisville Kentucky. ?

Cassius Clay’s first meeting with Angelo Dundee (boxing trainer)

1958 was Cassius Clay’s (Muhammad Ali) first meeting with Angelo Dundee. It was suppose to [...]

Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) Where it all began.

Where it all began. Cassius Clay was born on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. [...]


Joe Elsby Martin was Muhammad Ali’s First Boxing Teacher.

Joe Elsby Martin was Muhammad Ali’s First Boxing Teacher. Joe Elsby Martin came to Louisville [...]

Columbia Gym, Louisville Kentucky

Muhammad Ali: The Columbia Gym Today Today, Spalding University’s athletic departments stands where Columbia Gym [...]