Category Archives: motivation

Bud Bruner Founder of Bruner’s Headline Boxing Gym

Sometimes the coach is more impressive than the student!!   Bud Bruner (December 7, 1907 [...]

Cassius Clay & Angelo Dundee 1961 ?

Cassius Clay & Angelo Dundee 1961 ? You have to have a plan!! You have [...]

Inside 5th Street Gym (1960’s)

It’s not where you are start but where you finish that counts!! This was Cassius [...]

5th Street Gym

Your gym might be closed so get inspired by gyms of the past!!   5th [...]


Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) at the gym.

Why waste time? Cassius Clay was just 18 when he traveled by train from Louisville [...]

Cassius Clay’s first meeting with Angelo Dundee (boxing trainer)

1958 was Cassius Clay’s (Muhammad Ali) first meeting with Angelo Dundee. It was suppose to [...]

Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) 1960 Olympics

Ali: His Olympics Story Still as Cassius Clay, with an impressive amateur record of over [...]

Grace Community Center Gym, Louisville Kentucky

Grace Community Center Gym Some gyms inspire from a distance. Some transcend the tides of [...]


Columbia Gym, Louisville Kentucky

Muhammad Ali: The Columbia Gym Today Today, Spalding University’s athletic departments stands where Columbia Gym [...]


Gramercy Gym®*

Gramercy Gym®* Turning off 14th Street off Irving Place in the heart of New York [...]